Robert Frost/Old Stagecoach
Scenic Byway
The Robert Frost/Old Stagecoach Scenic Byway (designated in 2014) is designed to celebrate and interpret the historic Boston‐Haverhill‐Concord Stage Coach route that followed what is today NH Route 121, as well as the New England landscape featured in much of Robert Frost’s work, including the settings of some of his most famous poems.
The Byway highlights the numerous historic sites, scenic views, outdoor recreational opportunities, and other attractions that the region has to offer ‐ raising awareness among local residents and promoting visitation for economic development.

The Byway also interprets American Poet Laureate Robert Frost, the period he spent living and teaching in the area (1900-1911), and the New Hampshire denizens and landscape about which he wrote. Some of Robert Frost’s most important poems were written while he taught at Pinkerton Academy, and he has cited his time in Derry as inspiring much of his work.
The impetus for Frost’s poem “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” was autobiographical. The setting is Webster’s Corner in Derry, the current intersection of Route 28 and Island Pond Road. On an evening in late December, Mr. Frost paused for a moment while returning home from town after an unsuccessful attempt to sell eggs. He had been trying to raise money for Christmas gifts...
More Frost history

Stage coach service began between Boston and Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1793, and was soon after extended north to Concord, New Hampshire, on a route that largely follows present day NH Route 121 and the Main Streets of Atkinson, Hampstead, Chester, and Auburn. Alternate local names for the route, or segments of it, have over time included the Stage Road, the Coach Road, and the Post Road.
When you look out your car window today, you will see much the same landscape as stage coach passengers saw during the 19th century – fields, stone walls, vistas, and a significant number of surviving historic buildings...
More stagecoach history

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